Silk-road Universities Network (세계실크로드대학연맹)


Celebrate the 1600th Anniversary of Venice!

작성자 ADMINISTRATOR 날짜 2022-04-18 01:32:10 조회수 3232



to celebrate the 1600th anniversary of Venice, an iconic city of the Silk Roads.

Venice, called “Venezia” in respect of its originality, is not only the hometown of the great legendary traveler Marco Polo. It has also been a place where diverse commodities, innovative ideas, thoughts, arts, and skills arrive from and disperse to all places along the Silk Roads. It has also been a model by which we can learn how much important the openness and respect for different cultures and the cultural diversity melted in a city, as a result, are for peaceful co-existence and co-prosperity among people and, eventually, sustainability of civilization. Considering all these valuable facts about Venice, a celebration of the 1600th Anniversary of the city cannot and should not be confined to its residents and the people of Italy. It is legitimate and essential for all the people who live along the Silk Roads and other areas of the earth and who love Venice and understand the values of the Silk Road legacies for the sustainability of civilizations to celebrate the anniversary.

Sharing such precious values of Venice, we are glad to announce that Ca’ Foscari University of Venice (CFU) and the Silk-Road Universities Network (SUN) have agreed to co-host the following three contests as part of celebrating the 1600th anniversary of Venice:  

  1. - Video Contest
  2. - T-Shirt Pattern Design Contest
  3. - Essay Contest

We cordially invite all students of the member universities of SUN to participate in the three contests. Students of non-member universities of SUN are invited to the first two contests:  the video contest and the T-shirt pattern design contest.

The submission deadline for all the contests is June 30, 2022. The prize winners (three for each contest) will be announced by July 31, 2022. The prize winners will be invited to the awards ceremony to be held in Venice from October 10 to 12, 2022. The prize is composed of (1) an official certificate of recognition, (2) provision of accommodation (hotel room and meals), and (3) financial support of €300 for air travel.

For more detailed information regarding themes and other details of the contests, please refer to the guidelines available on the official websites of SUN ( and CFU (

It is our sincere hope these contests will help highlight the value of Venezia as an iconic Silk Road city that has sustained for 1600 years and demonstrate the beauty of diversities that characterized all the civilizations spread along the Silk Roads.

You can find these in the attached files!


Video Contest E-Mail:

Essay Contest E-Mail:

T-Shirt Contest E-Mail:

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